I have had a great experience owning a crested gecko. He has been an amazing companion in college. He is low maintenance and does not cause me any problems. I have registered him as a a therapy animal through my college and he has served his purpose. Not only is Pongo a great pet, he also helps me during stressful times. When I feel any type of anxiety arising, I get Pongo out and play with him. I will also spray his cage or give him a little snack. Having another living being to take care of does wonders on my mental health.
I have had him for six months and have had to thoroughly clean his cage once. It is extremely easy to spot clean and I do not even have to spot clean that much. It is really easy to feed him and it is not hard to remember. I keep a dry erase marker beside his tank and write in the top corner when I feed him. This allows me to keep track of the last time that I fed him. The humidity and temperature are not hard to maintain.
He is fun to get out and play with. It is fun to test the different surfaces that their foot pads can stick to and what they cannot stick to. He loves to sit in this plant that I have. When I am doing homework I can sit him in the plant and he will sleep there. My roommate and I get him out almost daily. He has slowly started to enjoy our company and will climb up our arms and sit on our heads. We love getting him out.
I have my best friend to thank for this entire experience. She has always been a reptile lover and showed me that I was too. it was like discovering a hidden talent you never knew you had. She showed me the ropes and spent a lot of time helping me research and helped me pick out the best gecko with a good personality. I would never trade Pongo for a different gecko and absolutely love his morph color and pattern.
I would like to note that this blog was created for a computer science assignment and will most likely not be monitored. However, if you find yourself on this blog, the information is all factual and has been thoroughly researched. Enjoy!
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